
Showing posts from March, 2023

How Low Can You Go?

A common question on the playground and now becoming a more common question in the tech world, “how low can you go?”. A new type of software has come to light with the increase of computer usage and the advancements in technology for the business world. The name of this new Software is “No-Code/Lo-Code”. Revolutionizing the business world, and allowing for even non-tech savvy people to be able to navigate and accomplish tasks in the New Age. For those less acquainted with how software works this will be how this system works in layman's terms. Those who love the details will get more info later in the article. The easiest way to imagine how this works is to think about a puzzle. No-Code systems provide the user with all of the basics to create a simple program. While this is like putting a puzzle together taking pre-coded data and just having it do what you want.  The next step up would be the Low-Code, kind of like putting together a puzzle with no color and being able to choose